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大学英语论文阅读技能论文(doc 论文).doc

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大学英语论文阅读技能论文(doc 论文).doc

上传人:aidoc6 2018/5/6 文件大小:42 KB


大学英语论文阅读技能论文(doc 论文).doc



On How to Improve Undergraduates’ Reading Ability
ⅰ the situation & problems in reading for undergraduates
english reading is the most frequent activity in language learning, it’s also a way to improve other language skills. only abundance of reading can improve listening, speaking, writing etc. reading teaching plays an important role in college english teaching, but there are still some problems in english reading for undergraduates.
language knowledge barrier
basic language knowledge includes pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. vocabulary directly influences the students’ understanding in reading, so vocabulary mainly influences one’s reading ability. although college students have accumulated a certain extent words when they enter college, they still can’t use words freely and most of them are lack of words. due to poor vocabulary, they often have to stop reading to guess the meaning of words while they are reading which slow down their reading speed and finally influence the understanding of the passage. students have learned grammar in middle school, but lots of students can not make a clear sense of grammar and they could not analyze long sentences plicated sentence
s which may cause some misunderstandings. poor voca