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上传人:endfrs 2018/5/8 文件大小:224 KB





文档介绍:The Analysis of Image of Good and Evil
Children in Oliver Twist
Abstract: Charles Dickens, known as critical realist in the sense that he was strongly critical of the social reality of his time, is genius in the history of English literature. Oliver Twist is his second long novel, and he throws tremendous energy into the creation of images of deserted children in this novel. This paper tries to analyze the function of images of deserted children based on three typical children-Artful Dodger, Nancy, and Oliver Twist. Artful Dodger stands for social evil, the victim of the cruel society. The image of Nancy is a mixture of good and evil, struggling between the two forces and eventually good ing evil, which shows Dickens' hope for society. Olivcr Twist, the best of friends and the worst of enemies, symbolizes good. This image reflects Dickens' psychological want in his childhood. His miserable childhood is the motion for him to shape such an image and such a d. The analysis of the three images not only promotes further understanding of the theme and social background of Oliver Twisl, but the theme still has some practical significance that the influence of living environment is very important to the growth of children. Children can be good and evil, which depends on the living surrounding and social environemnt. People should be called on to care for children; attention should be paid to the deserted children who are in The process of shaping their personality.
Key Words: Oliver Twisl; images; deserted children; good; evil
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