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关键词: 铝硅合金初生硅非晶复合变质 T6热处理
People think highly of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy,because it has the property of high strength, low density, high abrasion resistance and good thermal conductivity,etc. However, with the increase of the content of silicon, it will result in plate-like and needle-like eutectic silicon, and a lot of rough and irregular block primary silicon in the alloy structure, which would seriously affect the processing performance and mechanical performance of the alloy. Through researching how different kind of modifier and heat treatment affect the primary silicon and eutectic silicon in the hypereutectic Al-Si alloy, to explore the effect of T6 heat treatment posite modification on microstructure and properties of Al-18Si-2Cu alloy. Besides, studied the effect of different modifying temperature on microstructure and properties of Al-18Si-2Cu alloy, seeking the most suitable modifying temperature for Al-P and Ni based amorphous posite modifier.
Experimental shows that, Al-P has obvious effect on grain refinement of primary silicon, after modificated, the average size of primary silicon in eutectic Al-18Si-2Cu alloy reduced from 130um to 30um; the amorphous alloy will increase the number of nucleation of eutectic silicon, which will refine the plate-like and needle-like eutectic silicon, thereinto, the modification effect of Ni based amorphous alloy is betteer than Fe based amorphous alloy; T6 heat treatment can make the primary silicon passivation, and make the of needle and plate sh


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