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上传人:drp539603 2018/5/10 文件大小:76 KB





Autumn Wind
When autumn wind goes running
It does some magic things.
It gives the shadows dancing shoes,
It gives the bright leaves wings -
When autumn wind goes running.
It curls the bonfire's tail of smoke
And shares a little whispered joke
With cornstalks who delight to prattle,
It turns a seed pod into a rattle -
When autumn wind goes running.
The Leaves are Falling Down
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
School is here and fall in near
The leaves are falling down.
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
Some are red and some are brown
The leaves are falling down.
The leaves are falling down
The leaves are falling down
They tickle your nose and touch your toes
The leaves are falling down.
Autumn Bird Song
Over the housetops,
Over the trees,
Winging their way
In a stiff fall breeze.
A flock of birds
Is flying along
Southward, for winter,
Singing a song.
Singing a song
They all like to sing,
"We'll see you again
When it's spring, spring, spring."
1. Turkey on the Farm,
Sung to: "The Wheels on the Bus"
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Gobble, gobble, gobble. Gobble, gobble, gobble."
The turkey on the farm says, "Gobble, gobble, gobble."
Thanksgiving Day is near.
The farmer on the farm goes chop, chop, chop.
Chop, chop, chop. Chop, chop, chop.
The farmer on the farm goes chop, chop, chop.
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The turkey on the farm says, "Please help me!
Please help me! Please help me!"
The turkey on the farm says, "Please help me!"
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The children on the farm say, "Come and hide.
Come and hide. Come and hide."
The children on the farm say, "Come and hide."
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The wife on the farm looks all around.
Looks all around. Looks all around.
The wife on the farm looks all around.
Thanksgiving Day is here.
The peop