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前言 . 2
一华策影视概况 . 2
(一)华策影视简介. .. ......2
(二)华策影视财务现状概述 3
二、华策影视的财务分析 5
1偿债能力分析 5
2盈利能力分析 8
3资产运营能力分析 9
(二) 横向分析
1偿债能力分析 11
2营运能力分析 11
3盈利能力分析 12
4成长能力分析 13
三、华策影视财务存在风险分析 14
四、对策与建议 16
五、结论与展望 17
参考文献 18

摘要: 随着我国经济改革的发展,现代企业的经营者、债权人及政府管理者,都从各自的目的和利益出发,要求了解企业的财务状况和经济成果。这就使得财务分析极为重要。财务分析是以企业财务报告反映的财务指标为主要依据,对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行评价和剖析,以反映企业在运营过程中的利弊得失、财务状况以及发展趋势,为改进企业财务管理工作和优化经济决策提供重要的财务息。本文以华策影视公司为例,主要站在企业的角度,从相关的理论介绍到应用的现状分析。首先简述财务报表的概念、作用等,然后提出对财务报表分析所采用的方法,详细分析了横向和纵向分析方法对各种财务报表进行分析,最后根据分析得出了相应的结论,对华策影视公司存在的问题如何改进提出了相应的建议。
关键词: 华策影视;财务报表分析; 财务分析方法
Co-sponsored By The Film And Television
Of The Financial Analysis
Student : chen lu lu (Faculty Advisor : chen chao)
(Economics and Management Department, West Anhui University)
Abstract : With the development of China's economic reform, the modern enterprise managers, operators, creditors and government all from their own goals and interests, demand to know the financial status and economic results of an enterprise. This makes the financial analysis is very important. Financial analysis is based on enterprise financial reports reflect the financial indicators as the main basis, evaluate the enterprise's financial position and operating results and analysis, to reflect the enterprise in the process of operating the pros and cons, financial situation and development trend, to improve the enterprise's financial management and optimizing economic decision provides important financial information. Taking Co-sponsored by the film and television as an example, the main stand in the perspective of enterprise from the related theory is introduced into the application analysis of the status quo. First briefly describes the concept, function of the financial statements, etc., and then put forward the financial statement analysis method, analyzes in detail how to use the ratio analysis method to analyze all kinds of financial statements, according to the analysis of the correspondi