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关键词: 激光快速成型TC4 衰减系数水浸式超声扫查系统底波

The Ultrasonic Attenuation Coefficient Measurement of Laser Rapid Prototyping TC4
Student name: Liu Yongxing Class:110813
Supervisor: Zhang Shijing
Abstract: In order to improve the ultrasonic testing technology of laser rapid forming of TC4 requires an understanding of the attenuation coefficient of laser rapid forming of TC4, conventional ultrasonic testing method of degree of automation is not high, not enough measurements fall into the coefficient selection point, defect detection sensitivity is not enough, difficult to accurately measurement by laser rapid forming of TC4 attenuation coefficient. In this paper, a laser rapid forming of TC4 as the research object, using ultrasonic scoring of the work piece surface waves, the first bottom wave and the second bottom wave these measured parameters, the laser rapid forming of TC4 ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation.
The water immersion ultrasonic scanning system of laser rapid forming of TC4 specimens of ultrasonic data acquisition, using different frequency probe was used to scan, measured by laser rapid forming of TC4 velocity, a bottom wave and second wave base, on the bottom wave is analyzed, The use of piled based on Python for data processing, the effects of different frequencies of the probe for the numerical experiments, according to data processing, obtained the attenuation map. Get laser rapid forming of TC4 ultrasonic attenuation coefficient and analysis of experimental information to get the final result.
Keyword:Laser rapid prototyping TC4 Attenuation coefficient Ultrasonic scanning s


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