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The Grotesques in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio
Abstract:1Sherwood Anderson played a special role in Modern American literature, and he was also one of the American writers who used Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis in their works. Anderson’s masterpiece Winesburg, Ohio is hailed as both "a first-rate psychological document" and "a fable of American estrangement". In this book, the “grotesques” are thirsty for love, understanding and freedom, but for their isolation they munication, therefore they trap themselves into hopelessness and sadness. This paper tries to study the causes of the “grotesques” from psychological and social aspects. It posed of four parts. The first part mainly describes the social and cultural history background of the age. The second part deals with the theme of the book---the loneliness and alienation of human nature,and Anderson’s life experience; Part three gives a detailed analysis of the book aiming at showing different types of “grotesques” and explores the causes. Part four draws a conclusion of the whole thesis, and includes that Winesburg, Ohio is a microcosm of the American small town life.
Key words: Sherwood Anderson; grotesque; loneliness; alienation
摘要:舍伍德·安德森是一位在美国现代文学史上有特殊地位的作家, 也是较早把弗洛伊德心理学运用到文学创作中的美国作家之一。他的代表作《小镇畸人》被誉为一部“一流的心理学文献”,一个“美国异化的寓言”。在这部小说中作者刻画的“畸人”渴望爱、理解和自由,但又因为自我封闭缺乏交流而陷入绝望痛苦的境地。本文试图用精神分析与社会分析相结合的手法来研究畸人形成的因素。全文共分为四部分:第一部分主要阐述作品的社会文化等历史背景;第二部分揭示安德森的生活经历和《小镇畸人》中所表达的主题——人性的孤独和异化;第三部分分析文本, 阐明不同类型的畸人的表现形式及导致其“畸变”的原因;第四部分总结全文, 说明《小镇畸人》是美国过渡时期小镇人民生活的缩影。
I. Introduction to the History Background of the Early 20th Century…………………………………………………………….1
A. Changes of the society. …………………………………………………………………...1
B. Trends of thoughts………………………………………………………….……….….…2
1. Freudianism……………………………………………………………………..………2
2. Puritanism………………………………………………………………….................…2
C. Development of the realism………………………………...........................…………….3
II. Sherwood Anderson’s E


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