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文档介绍:6A Unit1 (Part EFGH) 教学方案
年级:6年级单元:Unit 1
课题:Public signs 课型:新授课
教学目标: 1. 掌握单词、词组take a walk, suddenly, a note, nearby, pick up. park keeper, come up to, point to, shake.
2. 能看懂E部分小故事并完成练****br/>
signs in the park

T: (PPT 1 显示课题)Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again.
T: 在第一单元中,我们已经学****了一些公共标志,以及如何去谈论这些公共标志。你都记住了吗?现在老师就来考考你。请你读一读下面对于各个标志的描述,从备选栏中选择出相应的标志,说出序号和标志语。Are you ready?
( PPT2显示4条描述语言)
T: The first one, It means we shouldn’t smoke here. What is the sign? (稍停)
T: Yes. This one, no smoking. (PPT显示答案)
T: And the second one , it means we shouldn’t put the car here. (稍停)
T: Yes. This one, no parking. (PPT显示答案)
(相同方法依次呈现其他2个标志,PP3 4个标志同上)
It means we shouldn’t litter here. No littering
It means we shouldn’t touch it. Do not touch
It means we shouldn’t drink or eat here. No eating or drinking
It means we should stay away from here. Danger!
It means we shouldn’t make noise here. Be quiet
It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass. Keep off the grass.
㈠ E部分
1. T: OK. 刚才我们一起再次回忆了本单元的公共标志,其实公共标志真的很重要哦!你看下面这位Mr Smith就是因为没有看到公园里的公共标志而被罚了款呢!请你先自己来读一读这个小故事吧!(
动画播放Part E小故事内容)
T: OK. Now can you try to answer me some questions? 请你来回答老师的几个问题吧! (PPT4依次显示问题,教师边呈现边读句子)
Q1: What is Mr Smith doing in the park?
Q2: What does he see on the grass?
Q3: What does he do?
Q4: es up to Mr Smith and what does he say?
: 看完了问题,请你再到文中去找找问题的答案吧,你也可以和同学进行讨论。
: The first question: What is Mr Smith doing in the park? (稍停)
Yes. He is taking a walk in the park.(PPT5呈现答案句)Now please read this phrase. 请注意这个新的短语:(点击出现词组) take a walk (教授带读)

T: The second question: What does he see on the grass? (稍停)
Right. He sees a ten yuan note on the grass.(PPT6呈现答案句)Suddenly, he see something. And that is a ten yuan note. Now please read after me:(点击出现词组)(note, suddenly, (分别教授两个单词带读)
T: OK. The next question: What does he do? (稍停)