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(人教PEP)四年级英语上册教案 Unit1 Lesson5-6.doc

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(人教PEP)四年级英语上册教案 Unit1 Lesson5-6.doc

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(人教PEP)四年级英语上册教案 Unit1 Lesson5-6.doc



unit1 my classroom
Lesson 5
Teaching aims
the students master the letters (Ff Gg Hh Ii) and the handwriting. They can fill the blanks when some letters of a word, which they’ve just read, have given.
them master the song.
Teaching aids
A tape-recorder, four plates, a tablecloth
Teaching steps
Say ”Hello” to one of the students. Talk about the weather and the date.
Ask one student to wipe his table with the tablecloth. Choose another student to speak the action of the first student. Then ask the monitor to Prize him ”Good job!”
(3)New content
Listen to the tape and ask the students to read after the tape. The teacher writes ”Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” on the blackboard and ask the students to write them on the notebook. Then let them check in pairs and write the letters carefully again.
Let the students fill in the blanks on the textbook. Then draw the very picture on the “plates”. This is petition.
Listen to the tape. The teacher sings the song and asks the students to follow her. The teacher and the students sing together. Then ask a little “singer” to sing to the whole class.
Let the students write the letters on their homework-notebook. Listen to the tape and sing the song after class.
Lesson 6
Teaching aids
A tape-recorder
Teaching aims
Review the last unit.
Check the knowledge


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