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上传人:qiang19840906 2018/5/14 文件大小:102 KB




文档介绍:Low noise asphalt pavement

Keywords: low noise; Asphalt pavement; Mix; Mix design
Abstract: In order to study low noise asphalt pavement mixture gradation design method, using the aggregate gradation design and optimum asphalt content as low noise asphalt pavement mix design two major design index, adopt the token method to determine aggregate gradation design, by the means of the theoretical calculation, flow test and asphalt drop test analysis, to determine the asphalt .The best mixture asphalt content. The results show that the token method get mixture voids and target void ratio has a good linear correlation, the flow test method to determine the optimum asphalt content of asphalt mixture, more accords with the practice of engineering and easy to generalize. Low noise asphalt mixture due to different from ordinary asphalt mixture, so can't use ordinary asphalt mixture design method to study. Asphalt mix design, including aggregate gradation design and optimum asphalt content determine two content, and In China there is no mature experience. The design method, it is the study of the main problems need to be solved.
In recent ten years, thanks to the government increased the transportation infrastructure construction force and active investment policy, China's rapid development of highway construction, especially the main national highway construction has