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文档介绍:UNIT 18 The Necklace
Scene 1 The home of Mathilde and Pierre (P) Loisel, ten years before.
P: Mathilde! I've got some wonderful news. We've been invited to the ballat the palace.
M: Really? I can't believe it.
P: But it's true. I was the only person in my office who was 've written to accept the invitation.
M: Oh, Pierre, how wonderful! But I don't think we can go. I haven't got an evening dress for the ball! And a new dress costs over four hundred francs.
P: Four hundred! That's a lot of money. But, just this once. After all, this ball is very important. But try and get a really nice dress with the money.
M: But there's another thing, Pierre. I have no jewellery to wear.
P: Does that matter? Can't you just wear a flower instead?
M: No, I couldn't do that. Everybody else will be wearing jewellery. I can't be the only woman who isn't wearing jewellery.
P: Why don't you borrow some? Do you have a friend who might lend you some?
M: Let me think. Maybe I could ask Jeanne. She married a man with a lot of money. I'll go and see her on Friday after I get the new dress.
Scene 2
Forestier: Choose, my dear.
M: Thank you very mach!But haven't you anything else?
Forestier: Yes. Look for yourself. I don't know what you would like best.
M:Could you lend me this, just this alone?
F: Yes, of course.
M:thank you !you are really my best friend.
Scene 3 after


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