puter siene personalstatement puting and its appliations have alas fasinated me and for this reason i have found m a-level ourses extremel interesting. this also has maintained m long-term interest in puter-related areers. i have studied mathematis, phsis and puting to a-level and also during the first ear at hills road sixth form ollege i re-took m gse english. last ear and this ear i have been improving m self-learning, and developing man skills ith the help of the ke skills qualifiations and a-level general studies. m sinerest desire is to bee a puter sientist. speifiall, i am interested in exploring ho problems an be modeled and solved using artifiial intelligene. i also ant to learn about human ognition and mahine intelligene. i have been studing the online debate over hether mahines ill ever bee "intelligent" given the urrent ourse of researh and reading about suh issues as hether a mahine an aquir