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26--Unit4 员工激励措施.ppt

上传人:xunlai783 2018/5/22 文件大小:820 KB


26--Unit4 员工激励措施.ppt



文档介绍:Employee Motivation
The principles that should be followed in the means of incentive
Employees incentive role
The characteristics of the Employees motivation
Employees on achievement motivation important way is as follows
Employee Motivation
Employees incentive means through all kinds of effective means for employees of all kinds of needs to be different degree of satisfaction of or limit, in order to stimulate the staff you need, motive, desire, so that employees form a specific goals and in pursuit of this aim remains during the process of high spirits and continuous positive state, fully excavate the potential, to achieve the anticipated goal process.
The principles that should be followed in the means of incentive
For yourself and employee work out practical goal, these goals a challenging, and can through hard work and can realize.
Employees in management decision-making before there is proper to participate in, seriously said their own opinions and views
To understanding of the employee's performance, making any progress and there is a problem,
and it can be munication and feedback.
To the employees often exchange situation, explain to them what to do and why do, to enhance mutual understanding,
strengthen their managers to trust.
Sincerely care staff growth and development, and in the appropriate time, put forward the proposal to them.
The staff tell you what all need to listen to, trying to understand what they were talking about, to their ideas,
it is suggested to give high praise, make it feel important.
Only in when necessary to give reproach, and can only be in in private, its purpose is to correct and education.
As far as possible to make people interested in working, is willing to do, this will help them achieve their goals, and thus may also attain management objective.
Don't be afraid of decentralization, should fully let employees work in bold to dry.
To frank, sincere praise, praise them in public


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