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上传人:wz_198613 2018/5/22 文件大小:163 KB





文档介绍:摘 要
随着我国经济的高速增长,电力工业作为我国国民经济中具有先行性的基础产业,其对于国民经济的健康发展具有举足轻重的支撑作用,电力行业已经成为我国国民经济发展战略中的重点发展对象。从可持续发展的战略来看,大力发展太阳能资源,作为常规能源的重要补充是十分重要的。而太阳能作为清洁能源中的一种,由于其自身所具备零成本、清洁环保等优势,已经越来越受到人们的青睐。本文通过对内蒙古巴彦淖尔 20MWp 光伏电站投资可行性的分析,为该光伏电站的建设提供了重要依据,具有重要的理论与现实意义。
本文首先介绍了论文的研究背景及意义,以及国内外关于太阳能光伏发电的研究现状;其次对项目可行性研究和投资决策理论进行了概述,对相关概念进行了阐述;然后介绍了内蒙古巴彦淖尔 20MWp 光伏电站项目概况,介绍了该光伏电站项目的概况、主要设计原则,并且进行了基于灰色预测的年上网电量预测;再次分析了巴彦淖尔 20MWp 光伏电站建设和运行的环境和条件,介绍了项目的太阳能资源状况、地址条件和气象条件;最后对内蒙古巴彦淖尔 20MWp 光伏电站项目进行经济评价,提出了财务评价的依据,介绍了资金筹措、发电总成本费用和上网电价及发电效益计算,并且进行了盈利能力分析、敏感性分析和清偿能力分析。
Along with high-speed of economy development, the electric power industry which is regarded as a fundamental industry of our country plays a vital role in improving the economic development, it also has e the key object in development strategy. From the strategy view of sustainable development, develop solar energy resources vigorously and consider it as an important supplement of conventional energy is essential. As one of clean energy, solar energy possesses many merits, such as zero cost and environmentally friendly, all these advantages make it receiving more and more attention.
Based on the theory of project feasibility, the paper studied the investment feasibility of Bayanzhuoer 20MWp photovoltaic power station in Neimenggu. Firstly, the paper introduce the background and significance of feasibility research, it also introduces relevant research status of solar photovoltaic energy both in domestic and foreign country. Secondly, the paper summarized the theory of investment decision and feasibility research as well as related concepts. Thirdly, the paper introduced the profile of Bayanzhuoer 20MWp photovoltaic power station project, such as the main design principles, construction environment, solar energy resources, address conditions and meteorological conditions, and then, the paper predict the power demand based on the grey prediction. Finally, the paper evaluated the whole project, it not only poi