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文档介绍:Maybe I should have introduced a movie.
Sure we have watched some foreign movies.
And there is no doulbt that some of them have given us some deep impressions~~~
Besides I have learned a lot from these movies ~~~
Such as……
Twenty years ago. on a night. Ben Gate`s grandfather told him a story about a treasure and gave him a clue. Twenty years later. Ben and his partner Ian essfully solve that puzzle and found a ship. However. the ship gave him only another clue.......He just want to find the nation treasure to protect it~~~
After several accidents. they finally found the treasure and Ben proved that he was right.
Edward, a victim of a woman scorned and other neighborhood hens, is the censored artist, obsessive as van Gogh in "Vincent and Theo," miserable as the author in "Misery." Another tale of a man and his muse, "Edward Scissorhands" seems to say it is better to work alone in a garret making true art than to prostitute one's scissors.
The movie, based on the Stephenie Meyer novel, was directed by Catherine Hardwicke. She uses her great discovery, Nikki Reed, in the role of the beautiful Rosalie Hale. Reed wrote Hardwick's "Thirteen" (2003) when she was only 14. That was a movie that knew a lot more about teenage girls. The girl played by Reed in that movie would make mincemeat of Edward. But I understand who "Twilight" appeals to, and it sure will.
On first viewing it is the story of Andy Dufresne and his struggle to maintain hope despite his circumstances. However, this is really a movie about Red and his struggle to find meaning and purpose. The final segment of the movie testifies to the fact that the final resolution of the es about only when Red is faced with the same fearful situation as Brooks. Because of Andy, Red can find a different path-the path of freedom that is lit by hope. Who is your Andy Dufresne?
Roman holiday
And so on………………
I had to say these movies had taught me a lot......about perserance,affirm,goodness,pure and love~~~
But today,


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