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放牛班的春天 观后感(英文).doc

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放牛班的春天 观后感(英文).doc

上传人:aibuaiwo1318 2018/5/29 文件大小:27 KB


放牛班的春天 观后感(英文).doc


文档介绍:After watching the film ‘the chorus’, I was deeply moved. Be different from the tragedies edies which play much exaggerated, ‘the chorus’ was very plain. But it’s the part that the film touched me.
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be the good person. In the film, the president didn’t treat the students well. He not only had no patient for the student, but also always punished them who even had a little fault. He saw the violence as the only way to solve the problem. On the contrary, Mr. Matthew treated them by heart. He’ll give a chance to the student who made mistakes. Mr. Matthew used the music to open the students’ heart. Under his instruction, everybody picked back their confidence. As a result, the music purified their characters and had a great influence on them. And the finally part of the film impressed me deeply. When Mr. Matthew left school sadly, he received so many wishes on the cards from his students who were even the bad person. When the students waved to him through the window and sang the song to him, Mr. Matthew presented a happy smile and I was moved to tears.
The film filled with loving and moving. Though Mr. Matthew failed in his music career, he never gave up. He
made full use of the music and took the students back with it. It’s not the miracle, but the result of his love. Mr. Matthew stimulated their potential anized the cho


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