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文档介绍:Chapter 7 prehension and Memory
Supervisor: Zhang Zhimin
Reporter: Lang Qian
Comprehension of Discourse
Memory for Discourse
Schemata and Discourse Processing
Educational Implications
This chapter deals with the ways prehend and remember units of language longer than the sentence—that is, connected discourse.
Research on discourse has grown significantly in recent decades, for several reasons.
● We rarely speak in isolated sentence, discourse seems
to be a more natural unit of language to investigate.
● Sentences are ambiguous or obscure apart from their
discourse context.
● Discourse provides a rich source of material for those
interested in the cognitive processes used in language.
Comprehension of discourse
Local and global discourse structure
Strategies used to establish coherence
Role of working memory
Local and global discourse structure
Comprehension of connected discourse depends less on the meaning of the individual sentences than on their arrange-ment. Indeed, it is entirely possible for a group of mean-ingful sentences to be thrown together in a way that makes no sense at all.
. Carlos arranged to take golf lessons from the local pro-fessional. His dog, a cocker spaniel, was expecting pups again. Andrea had the car washed for the big wedding. She expected Carlos to help her move into her new apartment.
Local and global discourse structure
John bought a cake at the bake shop. The cake was chocolate with white frosting and it was read “Happy birthday, Joan” in red letters. John was particularly pleased with the lettering. He brought it over to Greg’s house, and together they worked on the rest of details.
John bought a cake at the bake shop. The birthday card was signed by all of the employees. The party went on until after midnight.
Local and global discourse structure
The contrast between the last two passages illustrates an
important point that we must look b


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