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(课程代码 5439)
I. Translate the following words or expressions.
Translate the following into Chinese.
1. . (consumer price index) 2. monopoly 3. par value
4. IPO (initial public offering) 5. financial institution 6. e funds
7. GNP (gross national product) 8. production line
9. . (cost, insurance and freight) 10. board of directors
11. registered capital 12. B 13. circulating fund
14. Clean Bill 15. public relations 16. red chips
17. bank account 18. government bond 19. GDP (gross domestic product)
20. bill of exchange 21. premium 22. commission
23. durable goods 24. savings bond 25. stock exchange
26. mutual fund 27. market share 28. product mix
29. Letters of Credit (L/C) 30. e statement 31. retailer
32. stock market 33. tangible product 34. product line
35. current assets 36. installment 37. H shares
38. inventory 39. common shares 40. preference shares
41. net asset bond 43. stock certificate
44. promissory note 45. policy holder 46. insurance policy
47. middleman 48. publicity 49. mass selling
50. target return
B. Translate the following into English.
51. 信用证 52. 营销组合 53. 风险资本 54. 普通股
55. 索赔 56. 资产 57. 直销 58. 保险单
59. 促销 60. 购买力 61. 有限责任公司 62. 预算
63. 固定资产 4. 证券交易所 5. 汇率6. 物流
67. 佣金 68. 折旧 9. 客户服务 0. 红利1. 面值 2. 市场细分 73. 流动资产 4. 公共关系
75. 净收入 76. 合同 7. 优先股 8. 人寿保险 9. 债券 80. 有限责任1. 保险 2. 净资产 3. 退货 4. 集装箱 5. 汇票6. 期初存货 7. 股东 8. 离岸价 9. 电汇 0. 债券持有者
91. 电话销售 92. 垄断 93. 定价 94. 盈亏平衡点
95. 购买力 96. 投资经纪人 97. 营销组合 98. 利率 99. 收入保险 100. 保险费
II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
1. The buying of products on which we have been pre-sole through advertising is called ______.
A. rational buying B. emotional buying C. reflex buying D. impulse buying
2. Which of the following is NOT mon form of payment in foreign business transactions?
A. Cheque B. Cash C. Bank transfer D. A sight bill
3. A clean bill is ______.
a spotless bill
a bill that is not panied by