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上传人:wz_198613 2018/5/30 文件大小:195 KB





(七)电视品牌建设要有全局意识关键词:浙江卫视、中国蓝、SWOT 分析、品牌建设策略
In recent years the increasingly petition TV media, the brand construction and promotion to TV media development is ing more and more important. How to highlight their channel resources advantage, making a market value of TV media brand have became China's television debate and the focus of attention of the problem.
After 15 years of brand accumulation, in 2008, Zhejiang Satellite TV well- grounded, essfully launched China blue brand, and thus create a paragraph belongs to China blue brands of legend. Zhejiang Satellite TV became mainland China next to Hunan satellite TV, has the most brand columns, brand host petitiveness strongest provincial TV. Zhejiang Satellite TV's rapid rise, China blue brand of strong transmission, caused the people's thinking.
This paper uses document analysis, SWOT analysis and case analysis, prehensive reference the brand planning learning, television art and television brand construction development with a host of related material. At the same time Chinese blue brand leading brands in columns for research object, emphatically from the television brand orientation, brand columns advertising marketing, brand maintenance, brand development and innovation and other aspects of China blue research Zhejiang Satellite TV brand construction plans.
This paper on the basis of previous studies mainly from the following several aspects to carry out the creative research:
First, study Angle innovation. And the previous literatures single, isolated research Zhejiang Satellite TV China blue brands of columns or brand building one perspective, this study strategy different Chinese blue brand construction process in various strategies could be analysis, as well as the auxiliary shows examples illustrate before, that will the construction of about China blue prehensive summary, documents that formed plete system.
Second, research methods innovation. In the literature method


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