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第三章 图像变换 数字图像处理课件.ppt

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第三章 图像变换 数字图像处理课件.ppt

上传人:aishangni990 2018/5/30 文件大小:5.05 MB


第三章 图像变换 数字图像处理课件.ppt



Smart Client is a new development model that launched by Microsoft in 2004,bines the advantage of rich-client and thin-client, not only has powerful Windows program user interface, but also has the features of Web application that can update and upgrade conveniently. Henan National Student Loan Management Information System (HNSLMIS), is a system that manage the national student loan of colleges and universities in Henan province, using smart client technology. Base on the characteristics of smart client, this paper analyzes the HNSLMIS and found it has a ing-can’t work offline.
Aiming at the shortage, this thesis focuses on the existing design pattern of offline function, such as offline application, occasionally connected support. After analyzing paring, this paper sums up a solution that enables current system work offline. With the help of smart client software factory, on the basis of application block, we developed the new demonstration version of HNSLMIS.
The new demonstration version of HNSLMIS can monitor the status of connection in time, user can login offline and work as usual. This version has total five features of smart client and is a true smart client. This version laid a solid foundation for future reconstruction and promotion of the HNSLMIS.
Keywords: smart client, offline function, smart client software factory
目 录
第一章 引 言 ...................................................................................................... ....1
研究目的和意义................................................................................................. 1
国内外现状和趋势............................................................................................. 1
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) 3
智能客户端.............................................................................................. 4
研究内容............................................................................................................ 4