文档介绍:So far David Cameron has been grilled by the finest journalistic m
inds including the BBC’s former grand inquisitor Jeremy Paxman on
this general election ,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦回答过最杰出的新闻工作者的提问,包括最厉
害的前BBC记者杰瑞米·帕克斯曼在总统大选上的提问。But it took a question from a Year 7 cal
led Reema, who is from Salford, Greater Manchester, on the BBC’s c
hildren’s television programme Newsround to leave the Prime Minist
er unable to find ,大曼切斯特郡索尔福德市的7年级学生瑞玛
的一个问题却难倒了首相大人。The question was: “If you could pick one politician
apart from yourself to win who would it be and why?”问题是:如果让你选一位除你自
己以外的政治家当选首相,你会选谁?为什么?Mr Cameron, shifting fortably, answered: