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Download from Wow! eBook <>What Readers Are Saying About Pragmatic Guide to J a v a S c r i p t
I wish I had o w n e d this book when I ?rst started out doing JavaScript! Prag-
matic Guide to J a v a S c r i p t will take you a big step ahead in programming
real-world JavaScript by showing you what is going on behind the scenes in
popular JavaScript libraries and giving you no-nonsense advice and back-
ground information on how to do the right thing. W i t h the condensed years
of e x p e r i e n c e of one of the best JavaScript developers around, it’s a must-
read with great reference to e v e r y d a y JavaScript tasks.
Thomas Fuchs
Creator of the sc framework
An impressive collection of v e r y practical tips and tricks for getting the most
out of JavaScript in today’s browsers, with topics ranging from fundamen-
tals such as form v a l i d a t i o n and JSON handling to application e x amp l e s
such as mashups and geolocation. I highly mend this book for anyone
wa n t i n g to be more productive with JavaScript in their web applications.
Dylan Schiemann
CEO at SitePen, cofounder of the Dojo T o o l k i t
There are a number of JavaScript books on the market today, b u t most of
them tend to focus on the new or inexperienced JavaScript programmer.
Porteneuve does no such thing, and this Pragmatic Guide is a better book
for it. If yo