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区际旅游产业链优化整合研究——以韶山 花明楼 乌石为例.docx

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区际旅游产业链优化整合研究——以韶山 花明楼 乌石为例.docx

上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/1 文件大小:305 KB


区际旅游产业链优化整合研究——以韶山 花明楼 乌石为例.docx



Tourism is one of the growing travel demands, along with the deepening social division of labor and the development of productive forces and gradually separated from other industries. Although the tourism industry after nearly a century, has e a relatively mature industry, but because of the tourism industry relies on very strong development of tourism still involves many sectors and industries. Determine the characteristics of tourism-related industries will affect the development of tourism track. In these related industries, transport to promote the development of the role of tourism. Recent years, with the construction of high-speed rail all over the country, the popularity of EMU, the increase all over the highway, and the increase of private cars, reducing the travel time spent on transport, greatly improving the efficiency of travel, making the cross-regional Tourism is mon, cross-regional scale of the growing tourism activities. In this context, the Regional Development of tourism industry chain more and more attention by the academia and government, to make inter-district travel industry chain has been well developed, it is necessary to achieve inter-district integration of the tourism industry chain optimization. A Based on this, research in learning at home and abroad on the basis of the industrial chain integration theory, theory of modular design, customer-oriented theory and system dynamics theory, based on binding international tourism industry chain optimization and integration barriers to resolution, Regional tourism designed to optimize the industrial chain integration model, and to Shaoshan, Huaminglou, Wushi as empirical background, the use of simulation analysis methods verify the constructed Regional tourism industry chain optimization and integration model is reasonable and Based on the proposed inter-district integration of the tourism industry chain optimization for the Government, scenic, tourism enterprises and tourism anizations