文档介绍:Yang / J Zhejiang Univ SCIENCE A 2006 7(10):1609-1625 1609
Word sense disambiguation using semantic
relatedness measurement
(Department puter Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University, Taipei 25137, Taiwan, China)
E-mail: ******@
Received Nov. 7, 2005; revision accepted Mar. 17, 2006
Abstract: All human languages have words that can mean different things in different contexts, such words with multiple meanings are potentially “ambiguous”. The process of “deciding which of several meanings of a term is intended in a given context” is known as “word sense disambiguation (WSD)”. This paper presents a method of WSD that assigns a target word the sense that is most related to the senses of its neighbor words. We explore the use of measures of relatedness between word senses based on a novel hybrid approach. First, we investigate how to “literally” and “regularly” express a “concept”. We apply set algebra to ’s synsets cooperating with ’s word ontology. In this way we establish regular rules for constructing various representations (lexical notations) of a concept using Boolean operators and word forms in various synset(s) defined in . Then we establish a formal mechanism for quantifying and estimating the semantic relatedness between concepts—we facilitate “concept distribution statistics” to determine the degree of semantic relatedn