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关键词: AT89C51; LED数码管; 抢答器; 计时; 报警
With the continuous development of science and technology, promote learning science, science and technology, knowledge of the variety of means. With a tool for Qiangda, which has been widely used in all kinds of intelligence and knowledge contests occasions. But Qiangda is used for lower frequency, and some plex or low reliability, and reduced interest. As a unit, if the purchase is a Qiangda .Although the economy can bear, each year the number is extremely small, because of the long-term storage (electronic devices) Qiangda for damage to the purchase of the trouble and timeliness of activities, The development will be affected, so this Qiangda is designed .
This design is six road Qiangda as the basic taking into account the need for seting time and limiting to answer the function, which uses AT89C51 microcontroller and external interface of Qiangda system, and uses SCM timer / counter timing and the number of mind Principle, the software and bined, which could allow the right to conduct time, while the digital display to the correct time. Switching with the keyboard output, speakers in tips. At the same time, system can be realized .In Qiang da and which only begins after the Qiangda only effective, if at the beginning of Qiangda before Qiangda invalid; Qiangda limited time to answer questions and the time can be set in the 1-99 s; players who can show that it is effective and Qiangda Qiang da invalid, right after the music keys tips; Qiang


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