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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/6/14 文件大小:69 KB





Humor is a language phenomenon that has existed for a long time in the history of mankind and has close relationships with many aspects of the social and cultural life. As there are many differences in society and culture between different countries, English humor is sometimes very hard for Chinese to understand and appreciate. And humor translation is also considered as one of the most difficult works for translators. A lot of experts and scholars have researched on humor translation from many views, such as the Relevance Theory. In this paper, author will try to make some researches on humor and functional equivalence and introduce some methods to translate humor under the guidance of functional equivalence.
Being introduced into China at the beginning of 1980s, functional equivalence theory is the core of Nida’s translating theory and has a great effect to translation field in China. It gives up the traditional view of text-centered but pays more attentions to receptors. According to Nida, “it is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of parison of the way in which the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated text.”[1] P86
This paper posed of five parts. The first part is a general introduction about humor translation, functional equivalence and structure of the whole essay. The second part mainly talks about humor from a linguistic view, such as art of humor language and linguistic mechanisms of humor. The third part focuses on functional equivalence by analyzing the connotation and principles of it. The forth part introduces some methods to translate English humor into Chinese under the guidance of functional equivalence. The last part is the conclusion.
What is humor?
Humor is appreciated and enjoyed by different peoples all over the world. When talking about humor, we always mean something that