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I. prehension. (32 points)
1. Read the following article and paraphrase the underlined parts:
The twenty-first century will mark the era of tertiary and lifelong learning for everybody-or almost everybody. Thus the West Report from Australia, echoing a key theme of the immediately preceding Dearing Report in the UK1. (mittee f Inquiry into Higher Education [NCIHE],1997).
The notion of lifelong learning has pervaded higher education around the world as governments have e to recognize a link between their education systems and national economic performance. However, policy relating to the actual making of the link needs deeper consideration. The development of “key skills” has been seen in the UK as an important way in which higher education can contribute to economic development, but it can be argued that to focus on these skills represents a narrow and insufficient response to what employers —— and the wider interest —— really need (see Stephenson’s [1998] argument for a “capability” approach to higher education and, more broadly, the discussion in part 2 of t [1994]. However the contested nature of this aspect of higher education might be resolved, current discussions have left relatively unexplored the broader implications for curricula2 and, in particular, for fist-cycle provision.
In earlier times many took the view that a first degree3 was a sufficient