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文档介绍:山东科技大学硕士论文 摘要
Xitieshan lead-zinc mine is one of China's large-scale lead-zinc mining area ,located in Early Paleozoic rift in the northern margin of the Chaidamu Basin,belongs to the submarine exhalative sedimentary deposit type. After ore formation, strong tectonic deformation occurred in caledonian movement. Through detailed field survey work, bination with drilling data and petrographic analysis study and previous work, this article review the stratigraphic sequence and structural form in Xitieshan SEDEX lead-zinc deposits, and summarize the characteristics of ore bearing strata、wall rock、 ore body, then make the following conclusions:
Xitieshan lead-zinc deposit is located in the normal sedimentary rock group and spouting hydrothermal sedimentary rocks, and ore-bearing rocks are spouting hydrothermal sedimentary rocks and metamorphic carbonaceous mudstone. The deposit is mainly controlled by Xitieshan inverted syncline and develop plete volcanic exhalative sedimentary sequences.
After formation, lead-zinc deposit experience a number of tectonic movements, the ore deposit and ore bearing strata are deformed by the late tectonic movement, original sedimentary strata have broad structural replacement and cleavage phenomena. By the effect of the slipping and shearbetween layers , ore-bearing rock and orebody experience shear deformation, having formation of collateral and en echelon arrangement. Secondary fold developed broadly, making the strata plex plex extrusion structure, strata have widely reversal phenomenon in the mining area.
Xitieshan lead-zinc deposit is affected by many factors. Xitieshan ore deposit belongs to stratabound ore deposit, which is controlled by stratigraphy and facies. The strata not only provides space for ore, but also provides the source of ore material; syndepositional faults are mineral migration path , and decides the ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid jet center position; graben and depression and other ancie


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