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上传人:静雨蓝梦 2015/6/13 文件大小:0 KB





I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:
1. Anne is good at making things _____________ (grow). She ___________ (have) a green thumb.
2. We _________________ (have) a party for Tom's birthday. It's in two weeks' time.
3. The story was ________ (bore) and we were _____________ (bore) with it.
4. She tried her best to ____________ (please) the manager and this time the manager was _________ (please) with her good work.
5. I hate ____________ (write) compositions even if in Chinese.
6. It was very cold. I'd like _____________ (have) a drink.
7. You look _________ ( worry). What _______ you _________(worry) about?
8. If you are _________ (feed) up with fish, you can have anything else for dinner.
9. Everything ____________ (fall) out as we had hoped.
10. He ___________(fall) out with the girl he is going to marry.
11. _______ you __________ (have)a good time at the party?
12. This game is _________ (tire) and he is ________ (tire) of ______(play) it.
13. To his _____ (surprise) the little girl didn't obey her mother. Instead she looked at her in ______ ( surprise) and then she said that she was _______ (surprise) at her mother's words.
14. He will return the book to me as soon as he _________ ( get ) back.
II. 用短语动词的适当形式完成下列句子:
15. We like _______________ (去划船) better than ____________________ (去野营).
16. If you don't have sports for a long time, you ________________________