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The emergence of the makes the mankind's economic activities get into a new period, network economy's conduct and actions is a brand-new of the word appear in each realms, such as science and technology, finance and education...etc. The lately economic emergence caused people to thinking and fulfillment the business enterprise operate of mode in the business of lately economic, this laid foundation for the emergence of many merce modes appear.
Along with the development of work technique, more and more people felt that work brings people's convenience and fun, more and more people like to work game to dulcify their temper, they work game in to their normal life, they built the virtual world of work game, they are amusement in this world, pay to also want to obtain from this world, then, had a need and want to purchase, the goods’ exchnge of equal values appears naturally, and the virtual product in the virtual world also had it’s own value, the virtual product trades in work game also follow then. Facing the confusion phenomenon in the trade market of the virtual product currently, how to provide a safely and convenient bargain platform for the large customer is the point that this topic studies.
The B to C is a economic mode that appeared more early in the economy. It takes as a tool or means, providing a kind of serves from business enterprise to the end customers. There are types, such as gate website, shopping website and service website...etc. basically. This article will beginning with an actual business enterprise item, do a more thorough study about the application of the B to C merce mode and many advanced technique in the service website.
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