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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2018/6/18 文件大小:271 KB





Ⅰ. 单项选择题(共15题,每小题1分;满分15分)
( )1. —There are a lot of____of bike riding.
—I agree. It’s good for the environment and it saves money.
A. instructions B. instruments
C. advantages D. products
( )2. We have____the four applicants,for none of them is fit for the job.
A. turned against B. turned into
C. turned down D. turned on
( )3. Our teacher thinks____good to learn English with enough practice.
A. one B. it
C. them D. that
( )4. —Tom didn’t stop looking for a job____he got an offer from an pany.
—Lucky him. It’s not easy for university graduates to get a good job now.
A. as B. if
C. since D. until
( )5. —The song “Where did the time go?”____the old days and the love of my family.
—Sure. It’s also my favorite song.
A. helps me out B. cheers me up
C. regards me as D. reminds me of
( )6. —Which do you prefer,reading online or reading on paper?
—____. Sometimes I read online,and sometimes I read on paper.
A. Both B. None
C. Nothing D. Neither
( )7. —Where are the magazines?
—You see,someone____them to the window.
A. moves B. had moved
C. has moved D. would move
( )8. —We failed in the petition.
—____. Everyone wants to win,but the most important thing is to learn something new.
A. Good job B. Take it easy
C. Well done D. Congratulations
( )9. Sally____goes traveling during holidays. She likes staying at home with her family.
A. often B. always
C. seldom D. usually
( )10. Leave the reference books behind,____you won’t be able to think independently.
A. or B. and
C. so D. but
( )11. —Dad,it’s a long way from our home to the amusement park.
—You mean it’s____to take a taxi?
A. important B. popular
C. necessary D. valuable
( )12. —How do you feel about the new concert?
—____,I don’t like the end.
A. To be honest B. All of a sudden
C. After all D. In this way
( )13. A new rule____office love is forbidden at work has been set up i


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