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上传人:zxwziyou8 2018/6/19 文件大小:67 KB





文档介绍:1 Introduction
has been the mian medium in the world and in China, but there is a large gap between China and the West (mainly the United States), China still has a lot of things to do.
1. -munication between China and Amrica happens on the , but Chinese users are to some extent only passive receivers.
2. More electronic publications should be released from Chinese resources in English municate with the West on the , making foreign users able to hear China’s voice directly on various affairs, whether national or international directly.
3. More information in Chinese concerning social life and services should be developed to meet the needs mon people in China who use the as information resource, but who lack English language skills.
4. In general, more regulations should be drawn by the Chinese government to improve the services on the .
works have brought a revolution munication ammong human beings. The , which was oringinally a little government-owned message-swapping system in the United States, has been developed into a worldwide information resource and convenient medium with large amount works and up to 2,7 billion users in 150 countries by 2013, and this number is increasing rapidly. munications happens more often in the era of the than before. But it is not necessarily the case that understanding between different cultures could be achieved more easily via


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