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给水排水工程专业介绍(introduction to water supply and drainage engineering).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/6/19 文件大小:24 KB


给水排水工程专业介绍(introduction to water supply and drainage engineering).doc


文档介绍:给水排水工程专业介绍(Introduction to water supply and drainage engineering)
To the professional training objectives: the professional training with the drainage engineering of city water supply and drainage, building water supply and drainage engineering, industrial water supply and drainage, water pollution control and water resources protection planning knowledge and other aspects, in government departments, planning departments, economic management departments, environmental protection departments, industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research and design units units, universities and colleges engaged in planning, design, construction, management, education and research and development work of the water supply and drainage engineering senior engineering and technical personnel. Business training requirements: the students mainly study the basic theory of general chemistry, mechanical engineering, surveying, engineering, microbiology, hydraulics, electrical engineering, water supply and drainage engineering and the basic knowledge, basic training of foreign language, computer technology and mapping, pollutant monitoring and analysis, engineering design, management and planning. With the field of water science and environmental science and technology basic ability of scientific research, engineering design and management planning etc.. Graduates should acquire the following knowledge and abilities: 1. master general chemistry, mechanical engineering, surveying, engineering, microbiology, hydraulics, electrical engineering, water supply and drainage engineering disciplines of basic theory, basic knowledge; 2. to grasp the basic principle and design method of water supply and drainage engineering, construction
engineering, water supply and drainage engineering, industrial water supply and drainage engineering; 3. preliminary ability of pollutant monitoring and analysis, environmental monitoring, environmental quality assessment, environmental planning and management


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