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制胜策略让经销商雄霸区域市场no.(the winning strategy for the regional market dealers dominated no.).doc

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制胜策略让经销商雄霸区域市场no.(the winning strategy for the regional market dealers dominated no.).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/6/21 文件大小:37 KB


制胜策略让经销商雄霸区域市场no.(the winning strategy for the regional market dealers dominated no.).doc



文档介绍:(The winning strategy for the regional market dealers dominated )
The dealer is the survival or destruction?
"Chinese existing wholesale market in 6-10 years will disappear, the majority of dealers are facing the rise and fall of the moment". In recent years, so at the end of the century "prophecy" frequently in the media release.
To the fate of domestic dealers mentioned today, "is not the question of survival or destruction" is not alarmist, but Weakness lends wings to rumours., was a cold, A thing has its cause:
One is the increasingly low profit business to dealer prices began to exploit Cuanhuo to say "NO", reduce or cancel the previous large variety, non-standard cash discounts, rebates and promotional support, clear management of regional distributors, and formulated a series of strict incentive measures, the possibility of dealers to profit by price dumping and cross it is more and more small, forcing dealers to reduce profit expectations, to change their mode of operation to obtain the chance of survival.
The two is lost in multi channel distribution enterprises begin to change their policy path, but the provincial level dealers and cancel or total sales, use their own strength, to establish work pany in provinces or multiple offices directly to retailers of province city engaged in wholesale and service (commonly known as direct). This makes big dealers the original jurisdiction of all or part of the loss of lost survival foundation.
Three is to face the high fees of enterprises have begun to change their business model, the tentacles of the retail sector, the independent development of its own stores, chain stores, franchise stores or shop in shop, to large supermarkets, hypermarkets, electronic city dealers call board, the original direct right shunt the traditional dealer. These are the actual enterprises opened up their own sales channels and distributors and cut under zero right. Such as GREE, Xoceco have self built channel


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