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文档介绍:Unit 1

When Smith’s first wife died, he married again. His second wife was much younger than he was and they often quarreled. One evening when Smith came home very late, his wife said to him, “I cooked your dinner two hours ago. It is quite cold now.” She was so angry that she gave him a push, and as she was strong, and he was old and weak, he fell down the stairs.
One of Smith’s neighbors, who was always eager to know what was happening in everybody else’s house, was listening, and when she heard the noise that Smith made when he fell down the stairs, she came to his front door and knocked.
“What has happened?” she said.
“My coat fell down the stairs,” he answered.
“But a coat would not make so much noise!” the neighbor said.
“Of course it would,” answered Smith,” if I was inside it!”
!Words and Expressions
quarrel: have words with others
eager: full of interest and want very much
In the Zoo
Mike is a boy of thirteen. The September before last he began to study in a middle school and now he’s in Grade Two. He’s clever and likes to have a joke with (与……开玩笑) his friends And they like to play with him.
It was Sunday yesterday. And it was fine. The children did their favorite things. Some flew the kites, some played football, and some watched TV at home. Mike asked his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, to take him to the zoo. The boy likes monkeys and tigers. He stood near the monkey hills and the tiger cages (笼子) and watched them for a long time. And he was happy all the day.
This morning Mike came in the classroom. One of his friends asked, “What did you do yesterday, Mike?”
“I went out for a walk after breakfast,” answered the boy. “Suddenly (突然) I saw a tiger standing in front of me.”
“Oh!” a girl called out. “Weren’t you afraid of (害怕) it?”
“No, I wasn’t. I had a look at it and went away slowly.”
“Did it run after (追) you?”
“No,” said Mike. “It was in the cage!”
The children heard this and began to laugh.
1. His friends like to play


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