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Jeff Niu雅思口语题库 09年3月1日版.pdf.txt

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Jeff Niu雅思口语题库 09年3月1日版.pdf.txt


文档介绍:Jeff Niu雅思口语题库 09年3月1日版
Ielts speaking handouts
Jeff Niu
A sample test
Part I Good morning. How are you? May I have a look at your ID card? I am Rachel, and you are …? Where do you from? Are you a student? What is your major? How do you like it? Do a lot of students study this major? What is your favorite course? What kinds of job do you have in mind? What do you think of wearing uniforms to work? Are bicycles popular in China? Do you often ride a bike to go to school? How do you like riding a bike? Are bikes a good choice for all ages? What are the advantages / disadvantages of riding a bike? How often do you go to cinema? Which one is better, watching a movie at home or watching a movie in a cinema? why? What kind of movies do you like / dislike?
Part II Now I am going to give you a topic. You will prepare for one minute and talk about it for two minutes. You can talk as much as possible, and I will let you know when to stop. Here is a pencil and a piece of paper. You can make some notes if you want. Describe a situation when you received a piece of advice from others. You should say: Who gave it to you When you got the advice What it was about And explain what influences it had upon you.
Part III Do the Chinese often give advice to each other? Do the young people give advice to each other? What kind of advice do they give each other? Do you prefer to get advice from your family or your friends? Do you think teachers should give students personal advice or just academic advice? Would you say people today are not as close as they were 20 years ago? How do you get along with your neighbors? Do you have any advice for people to get along well with their neighbors? Is there a generation gap in your family? How do you solve such a problem? Will you ask your parents’ advice if you want to date a girl / boy?
Be grateful – that is a way of being happy. Be happy – that is a way of being wise.
Ielts speaking handouts
Jeff Niu
Question bank for part I


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