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继承制度是调整社会关系的重要方式之一。关于财产的继承方式可以分为法定继展和遗嘱继承。遗嘱继承是按照遗嘱人生前所立的遗嘱来确定遗嘱人以及处理遗产的…种继承方式。在中国,由于受儒家思想的影响,未能形成适合遗嘱继承制度中贯穿着的遗嘱自由原则的生长土壤。同时中国古代的继承是以宗桃继承为目的,等级身份的世袭为重要内容,在财产继承中主要以法定继承为主,遗嘱的效力比较狭窄,在当时未能形成严格的遗嘱继承制度。直到清末修律时,在吸收和借鉴西方法律思想和制度的基础上,才在 1911 年完成的《大清民律草案》中第一次明确规定了遗嘱继承制度,拉开了我国遗嘱继成制度化的序幕。
遗嘱继承白白原则在我国是一个逐渐被接受和确立的过程。在遗嘱继承自由原则的指导下,我国在清末的《大清民律草案》中最终确立了遗嘱制度,在法典中以具体是法条加以规定,为实践中的具体操作提供了依据。问时吸收和借鉴西方法律思想和实践经验,对遗嘱自山原则加以适当限制,确立了特留份, 对其进行了较为详细的规定,更好的保护特定人的权利和利益。《太清民律草案》的继承编在制定和编篡过程中,即借鉴了西方法律思想和法律制度,也吸收了我国古代的法律传统。现今,研究和分析《大清民律草案》中继承编,对于改进我国《继成法》和民法典的制定大有益处。
关键词:大清民律草案 遗嘱继承
Inheritance system is a way to adjust one of the important social relations. .00 the inheritance of property can be divided into statuto叩 ession and intestate ession. WiIl inherit the will of life in accordance with WiIls before to detennine
the testator and to deal with an estate inheritance. In China,due to the influence of
Confucianism ,not fonned for the system will inherit the will of the principle of freedom runs through the growth of the inheritance is based on ancient Chinese WENZHOU for the pu叩ose of rating the importance of content as
heredita町, mainly in the inheritance of the main Iegal essor,will the effect of relatively narrow ,at that time wiIl not fonn a strict system of essÍon. Until the End ofQi吨, the absorption and reference in the Western Iegal system on the basis
ofideas and pleted in 1911,"the dra位 Law ofthe Qing China" for the first
time clearly defined will inherit the system,beginning the institutionalization of our WilI Inheritance prelude.
ηle principle of freedom of testamentary ession process in China is gradually being acc叩ted and established process. In intestate ession under the guidance of 由e principle of 仕'eedom,our country in the late "Great Qing China dra位 law" will 自naI1y established in the system is in the Code to specific articles to be provided ,for the practice to provide a basis for speci自c operations. Also absorb and Ieam from


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