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本文共分五章。第一章首先对《河州志》的版本及流传进行了分析。本文所用的核心史料是明吴祯《河州志》和清王全臣《河州志》, 因此对两部志书的版本和留存情况进行了系统的梳理,同时也对其他几部志书进行了简要的评述。第二章对明代河州的行政沿革和二十四关隘进行了论述。第三章着重分析了明代河州的茶马问题。通过对河州茶马贸易的形成、发展阶段、交易方式、制度变更等问题的分析, 来理解明朝政府对西北纳马番族的控驭程度,以及茶马贸易给当地经济带来的各种利弊。笫四章具体阐述了明代河州的藏传佛教寺院。从藏传佛教在唐朝中后期传布到河州,至藏传佛教在明代河州时的极度繁盛以致后来的变迁,可以反映随着社会的发展和变化河州人宗教信仰的转变。第五章以笺证的方式给明代河州有影响力的人物作了传记,以记录他们对河州发展所做出的贡献。
He zhou A加aIs pmVide us first-handed materials iIl the monographic stIldy of He zhou a衄als had piled ill history,among which the piled by Wu Zhen in Ming dynasty and piled by Whng Qu柚chen in Qing dynasty arc the most
mcorded such things as political evolution,
munication,rcli酉on,cIlltllre,exotic scenery and omer histo出iteIIls related to 1'ibetan a舷irs iIl He Zhou iIl Ming dynas吼 which embodied goveming measureS taken by MiIlg administration ill
Tibetan—iIlhab“ed area f|om more than one on national毋policy in He Zhou iIl Ming dynasty can proVide us a traill of thou曲t on the curfent stabilization and development of nonhwestem s where emnic groups doing the research,we can get a de印er understanding of the national时pattem and religion situation in Lin Xia city.
This paper contains矗Ve first ch印ter win be a basic analysis of editions a11d drculation of He Zhou to the fact that this paper mainly refcrto me细o piled by Wu Zhen and Wang Quan chen,it is necessary to make a systematical carding of their editionS and preseⅣ the meanwhile a mentary on the
other annals will also be made in this chapte the second pan,there
will be discIlssion on the administrative evolution and t、)l,enty four pa豁es in He third ch叩ter emphasizes on the issue of tea觚d horse the reseafch of this kind