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基于ieee 802.11p的系统仿真和信道估计技术分析based on the ieee 802.11 p system simulation and the analysis of channel estimation technology.docx

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基于ieee 802.11p的系统仿真和信道估计技术分析based on the ieee 802.11 p system simulation and the analysis of channel estimation technology.docx

上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/25 文件大小:967 KB


基于ieee 802.11p的系统仿真和信道估计技术分析based on the ieee 802.11 p system simulation and the analysis of channel estimation technology.docx



文档介绍:摘 要
随着车载通信的发展以及 IEEE 协议标准的制定,如何实现车载通信环境中的可靠信息传输日益成为研究热点。信道估计技术作为无线通信技术的关键技术之一,是其实现的技术难点。
本文在已有技术的基础上,对 IEEE 的信道估计技术进行了深入研究,首先介绍了无线通信的信道环境,分析了常用的无线信道模型,并针对车载通信信道环境建立了对应的双环信道模型;然后详细分析了 IEEE 物理层的系统实现并搭建了完整的仿真系统;之后详细阐述了传统的信道估计算法,分析了这些算法在 IEEE 上的性能表现,并对传统判决反馈算法进行改进, 利用信道译码反馈提高了信道估计性能;最后介绍了压缩感知信道估计技术,并将其应用到 IEEE 信道估计中,仿真结果证明该算法甚至优于判决反馈算法,适合帧长度较大及高速移动场景,有较高的研究价值。
关键词: IEEE 双移动信道 信道估计 压缩感知
With the development of munication and the standardization of IEEE ,how to realize munication in Vehicle-to-Vehicle environ- ment is ing a very interesting one of the most important techniques in munication,channel estimation is a difficult task plete.
In this thesis,we investigate channel estimation algorithms for IEEE based on the pre-existing results. Firstly,munication channel model- s are introduced discuss the conventional wireless channel models and realize a double-ring channel model which is suited to Vehicle-to-muni- , we analyze the IEEE physical layer in detail and establish a simulation more we discuss traditional channel estimation algo- rithms and analyze their performance in IEEE platform,we also propose an enhanced algorithm based on the decision feedback(DF) puter simulation results prove the validity of the proposed we pressed sensing(CS) channel estimation algorithm and test its performance in IEEE results show that CS based channel estimation
algorithm outperform the DF based channel estimation,especially when long frame
length or high speed is considered.
Keywords: IEEE Mobile-to-Mobile Channel Channel Esti- pressed Sensing
英文缩写 英文全称 中文含义
ASTM American Society for Testing and Ma- terials
BP Basis Pursuit 基追踪
pressive Sensing 压缩感知
CEN The mittee for Stan- dardization
pressive Sampling Matching Pur- suit
DF Decision Feedback 判决反