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文档介绍:Frequency synthesizer determines the performance of the electronic equipments, plays all important role in 0111" with the development of modern military, national defenee and munication,many electronic systems such as munication,radars and guided weapons set increasingly higher requirements on the
system lays particular emphasis on low#ase noise
and low spur.
This es from the project:C band low phase noise frequency synthesizer in Chengdu SaiYing Science and Technology are many difficulties in the module A,such as hi曲working frequencies,very low phase noise,wide band and to the basic theory of frequency synthesis,we can’t get the performance with just a single ,the hybrid frequency sythesis technology: PLL+Mixer is use two is a digital PLL which call achieve the mainly function of other is to get a local oscillator witll much lower phase noise..Then we upconvent these two sigals in order to get m曲working frequencies We
both of these two PLb have low multiples(N).So we get the low
phase ,both of these two PLLs should hop synchronous to COVer the wide band..In the module B,We used the simple single one loop system, the purpose of costdown,and we used a、)I,ide band VCO and a Fractional-N PD in this
is also a wide band and low phase noise hopping frequency synthesizer
Design and engineering realization of C-band wideband low phase noise radar frequency synthesizer is presented in this first,the important specifications and the basis theory of the frequency synthesis technology is ,
Combining with practice,the key problem occurred in engineering is described,and a
design procession,a sample manufactured and the results of the sample are given.
Key words:Frequency synthesizer,C band,PLL,Phase noise