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Analysis of The Main Figures in Uncle Tom's Cabin
----- Christians in Uncle Tom's Cabin
[Abstract] The Bible influences western life and culture deeply. Mrs. Stowe (1811—1896)----the author of Novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin is also influenced by it. On the basis of Bible, the author attempts to analyze the backgrounds of times and the purposes poses it, and analyze several characters, such as Uncle Tom, Little Eva, Eliza and some pious christian mothers. With the analysis of these persons and parison with the characters in Bible to reveal the christianity in this novel. At last, the author explores Mrs. Stowe’s solution to institution of slavery and the results. However, in her times, her non—resistant policy to topple the slavery pletely.
[Key words] Bible; christianity;personal character    
[摘要] 《圣经》对西方生活及文化的影响至深,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的作者斯陀夫人也深受其影响。本文以《圣经》原形以及基督教义精神为基础,先试图分析斯陀夫人所处的时代背景及她创作这部小说的意图,再分析小说中的几类人物形象,如汤姆叔叔、小伊娃、及几位虔诚的基督教徒母亲。通过对这些人物特点的分析,以及所表现的基督精神,揭示这部小说中强烈的宗教理念。
[关键词] 圣经; 基督教; 人物特点
1 Introduction
Greek culture and Hebrew culture have great influence on western culture. In Hebrew culture, there is a book named Bible, which is an important literacy work in the world. It is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. It includes the essence of Hebrew culture. During the eleventh century, Hebrew people e prosperous and dominated a large area. At the same, they spread their culture, so Christianity es a powerful and influential religion during. Many famous artists and writers adapted the stories in Bible pose the immortal works.
   Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811---1896), a eenth century American female writer, was also influenced by the book. Stowe was born into a respectable family that was to e famous: her father Lyman was a clergyman who was famous for supporting abolitionism, and ever held the post of director of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Her husband Calvin El


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