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Hippocrates(公圆前460-370)has been recognized as the father of modern medicine
Aristotle(BC270-?)has been called the father of biology
William Harvey(17世纪)阐明了血液循环机制
Edward Jenner(18世纪末)发现smallpox ine
一、现代外科学的发展 Development of Modern Surgery
解剖学 Anatomy
John Hunter (1728-1793), the father of experimental surgery and a superb anatomist and teacher.
麻醉 Anesthesia
Willam . Morton (1819-1868), a Boston dentist whose essful demonstration of ether anesthesia on October 16, 1846, at the Massachusetts Gneeral Hospital was a landmark in the history of surgery
3. 抗菌术 Antisepsis
Joseph Lister (1827-1912), the originator of antiseptic surgery
输血 Blood transfusion
Richard Lewisohn (1875-1961), a surgeon at the Mount Sinai Hospital, introduced the modern technique of blood transfusion, developed from his discovery of a method of preventing coagulation of the blood outside the body.
Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), one of the first scientists to study the physical processes of immunity. He is best known for his identification and characterization of the human blood groups, A, B, and O.
Theodor Kocher (1841-1917), professor of surgery at the University of Berne and pioneer in the development of surgery of the thyoid. He received the Nobel Prize in 1909.
Theodor Billroth (1829-1894), professor at the University of Vienna and pioneer abdominal surgeon, Billroth was one of the most influential teachers of his time.
Innovators & Pioneers in Surgery
John H. Gibbon (1903-1973), pioneer cardiothoracic surgeon who developed extracorporeal circulation.
Alexis Carrel (1873-1944), an experimental surgeon interested in wound healing, tissue culture, organ transplantation, and blood vessel anastomosis. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912.
1954 missurotomy of mitral stenosis
1958 大面积灼伤 Severe Burn
1963 断肢再植 Replantation of cut limb
1977 肝移植 The 1st case of Liver transplantation
1978 心脏移植 The 1st case of Heart transplantation
1990s- 二医外科全面发展