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文档介绍:The Study on Agricultural Products Brand Building under the Horizon of
Student:Song Chenchen Speciality:Rural and regional development
Adviser:Guo Wanzhong
As the management of agricultural products enters the era of petition, competition of agricultural products gradually turns into brand iS built and developed in an specific era with slow flow of full
use of media’S characteristics SUch as fast speed and wide range iS to build
brands of agricultural products and to promote the modernization of ’S
more,it will also make the production,processing,packaging and marketing of agficultural products develop towards diversification to strengthen agricultural products operators’ brand rapid development of the industry has greater and greater
influence on the brand construction of agricultural construction of the
agricultural product brand has very high has the pivotal role on the construction of agricultural products brand.
Hebei Province is a big agricultural ,the level of the brand building of agricultural products is not high and it does bine the and brand building of agricultural present Xi Jinping put forward the idea of rural reform,due to the good opportunity of the integration of Beijing,Tianjin,exploring the specific methods of the agricultural products brand construction through the in Hebei Province has the important practical Hebei province bine the brand building of agricultural products with the development of in order to promote the construction of agricultural products brand.
First of all,this article starts with the theories of and agricultural products brand construction brand it will also put forward the universality and
necessity of bination between the and the agricultural products in Hebei province considering the actual situation of Hebei ,this


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