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文档介绍:In recent years,the enterprise of our country in the background of deepening reform and make progress while maintaining and governance structure gradually improved,and the capital market is ing more and more perfect· Many activities of mergers and acquisitions of China's large‘state-owned listing Corporation e more paper is based on the case for the acquisition R and CSR to analyze acquisition process of listing the big two rail
transportation equipment manufacturing industry to start the reform of state-owned
enterprises,its strategic goal is obviously bine the similar or homogeneous enterprises, thereby improving petitiveness of state-owned enterprises in the intemational market. As the pathfinder of reform road of state—owned enterprises,the acquisition R and CSR provides a useful reference for future reform of state-owned enterprises,providing an
important CatTier for”The Belt and Road”.”go out”and other major economic strategies at
the same the current stage of exploration,the form of the reform of state-owned enterprises still pay more to the relatively rapid and effective way of mergers and priority selection of strategic direction is also need to adapt to the state policy and global strategy.
Under the background of China’S state-owned enterprise reform,the Paper points to the case of the merger between CSR the method bining theory and case
analysis,to analyze the themes and questions,the process and the result are reflected in the ,understanding the essence of the merger from the merger effect,and then through the process of mergers and acquisitions and the end of the integration to find out the
on this basis to deepen the development of thinking,propose solutions and
summarize the research conclusion in the last.
Key words:The merger of CSR R,Reform of state—owned enterprises,Internal
目 录
摘要 .I I


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