关键字: 管理信息系统; 图书管理; Vb应用。
With more and more widespread and profound application of information technology in management, the implement of management information system has e mature in technology step by step. Managing information system is a new subject. Enterprise needs existence and development, so enterprise activities should anized efficiently anically, which means tightening up the enterprise management and strengthening effective management of any resource (staff, finance, property, etc.) internal the enterprise, and also establishing a management information system fitting in with its own characteristics. This article is to establish a set of effective scheme for library management puter, through analyzing disadvantages of traditional library management by human resources.
This system runs under the VB environment, and connects with SQL database. The major function is to realize the management of readers, books, as well as books’ borrowing information. It can manage books and readers by the category, realize the operation of add, edit, delete, query, and borrowing information, return information’s operation on multi-table. Even more, this system also have administration authority, for managing of administrator. This makes the system safer.
This economical and pragmatic system has friendly interface, with simple operation.
Keywords: MIS; Library management; Vb application
1 引言 1
图书管理信息系统的提出 1
开发及运行环境的选择 3
运行环境的选择 3
数据库的选择 4
开发工具的选择 4
2 需求分析 6
数据需求分析 6
本系统的设计目标 6
一级数据流图 6
二级数据流图 7
三级数据流图 8
四级数据流图 9
性能需求分析 10
可用性、可靠性需求 11
3 总体设计 13