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文档介绍:Outline on German S-Train-Concept 德国市郊铁路方案简介
Outline on German S-Train-Concept 德国市郊铁路方案简介
The “S-Bahn”provides 市郊铁路提供
An Economic Solution for Public Transport 公共交通的经济性的解决方案
in Mega-Cities and Agglomerations in Asia 亚洲大型城市和城市群的整合
KfW 德国复兴信贷银行
Frankfurt am Main, April 2009 法兰克福,2009年4月
Definition of „S-Bahn 市郊铁路定义
S-Bahn is a high muter rail system offering and
combining 市郊铁路是高运力的通勤铁路系统,提供和连接
Inner-urban 城市内
and 以及
inter-urban Mass Rapid Transport Services
by partly utilizing existing infrastructure of national railways
„S-Bahn“ Introduction 市郊铁路的介绍
Urbanization is increasing quickly in China. Population and urban areas are growing, so that satellite towns continue to mushroom and urban corridors are evolving between ,人口和城区面积在增长,因此卫星城市如雨后春笋般不断涌现,继而形成了城市间的交通走廊。
Without caring early enough for adequate Public Mass Transit facilities people do not have any choice but using roads resulting in congestion, pollution, traffic fatalities and rapidly increasing energy consumption and emissions. 由于没有对大运量公共交通设施建设给与足够重视,人们除了选择陆路交通外没有其他选择,因此导致了交通阻塞,环境污染,交通事故和能源消耗,废气排放的快速增加。
For sustainable mobility in large urbanized areas the S-Train-Concept (known in Germany as S-Bahn) provides an energy- and cost-efficient, convenient, safe and reliable mass rapid transport (德国称S-Bahn) 在广大的市区提供了可持续发展的运输方式,可以高效利用能源,降低成本,是一种方便,安全可靠的大运量快速交通解决方案。
Whereas Railways are serving inter-city traffic on medium to long distances and Metros primarily serve inner-city traffic the S-bines the advantages of both systems. It is therefore the adequate solution muter mass transport
wherever there is a high transport demand. 铁路用于城市间中长途运输,地铁主要为市区内运输服务,而市郊铁路列车结合了这两种系统的优势。因此在运力需求高的地区解决了大流量的交通问题。
How to Efficiently muter Mass Transport in Large Asian Agglomerations? 在亚洲地区如何高效率地应对大运量的交通问题?
Depending on the volume of passengers and the distance of travel different mass transport systems
are available and may form part of an i