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上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/28 文件大小:845 KB





文档介绍:Study of Mass Storage Security System Framework and Fast Location Algorithm
Specialty: Computer System Structure
Name: Gao Song
Instructor: Professor. Bian Gen-qing
With the increasing work size, the rapid expansion work resources and more and more demands of users for data security and data access, the distributed storage technology faces enormous challenges. Because of the increasing scale of data and the plex queries, traditional index system has been difficult to adapt to the rapidly growing application requirements. This paper studied a distributed storage strategies to make the system having some abilities of security and fault tolerance after storage, and then proposed a quick detecting algorithm based on improved skip list to solve the search speed.
This paper designed a quick positioning storage system in the framework of storage security. The system has good security, availability and efficiency of data search. The main contents are as follows:
This paper studied the storage security technology, searched technology and data separation positioning algorithm. The data storage security is dependent on physical security and software security. This paper summed up a variety of technical means for the quick data searching in the positioning data technology. Then this paper analysised the data separation technology algorithm preliminarily.
This paper studied the storage security system policy. For the realization of storage security, it was considered the distributed storage system storage to ensure the security and availability. The study of RS algorithm solved the separation of data and split the process efficiency and fault tolerance issues. Finally the analysis of algorithms demonstrated its safety and efficiency and ensured the efficiency and safety of data
processing in the mass data storage.
In order to ensure the data location search efficiency in the server-side when the data storage system are reading data, this paper proposed data lo


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