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文档介绍:5 Things to Consider if You Want to petitive
Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or manager, you have to pay attention to the business landscape and your place in it if you want to be essful. You don’t want to get caught languishing by the side of the road as the rest of the marketplace rushes by you. It’s important to assess where you are now and how you can maintain, regain, or create petitive edge over the crowd.
1. Branding
What do you do and what sets you apart?
Branding is the buzzword of the day, maybe the decade. Though possibly overused, the concept is still an important one. Branding is far more than a memorable tag-line, catchy logo, or impressive elevator speech. The primary value of branding is in clarifying precisely what makes you different, what you have to offer that makes you stand out from the bulk petitors in the marketplace. Branding is the cornerstone of any essful marketing plan.
2. Relationships
What do people care about and what needs do they have?
Getting to know and understand people is vital. The key is to focus on quality over quantity. Masses of social media connections matter less than relationships with people who can directly influence the ess or failure of the business. Current and prospective customers, as well as employees and professional connections have the most relevant opinions and useful feedback to offer.