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上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/29 文件大小:72 KB





The right to housing is a basic right of citizens. It is the country’s political responsibilities and legal obligations to respect, fulfill and protect the citizens' right to housing. Therefore, China has established a low-rent housing system, the affordable housing system, housing accumulation fund system as the ponent of the housing security system, but the three are not going well, and there are many problems in practice. And result in the generation of the "sandwich class" groups.
The "sandwich class" is proposed as a special group. With the deepening of the housing market, they cannot solve their housing problems through the market and housing security. So, it’s an important livelihood issues need to be resolved to provide housing security by government, for those who are neither in line with the low-rent housing security standards not afford to buy affordable housing, or do not meet the affordable housing application criteria and are unable to purchase real estate groups.
For the current housing security system, the legal of housing security system is lower level, more general content, and operability is not strong, there are some unfair regulations. So, it is necessary to analyze the housing security system in the field of legal policy. And by to learn the housing security system of foreign developed countries, the advanced ideals in favor of China's housing security system, we hope that can provide useful inspiration to solve the problem of our "sandwich class" group housing.
Finally, for the problems in China's housing system, the paper put forward several suggestions for improving the housing security legal system, hoping to be beneficial to the construction of China's housing security system.
Keywords: "sandwich class" Housing security Legal
目 录
摘 要...........................................................................................................I
Abstract ...........................................................................