文档介绍:英语学习指南English Study Guide
Tutors in charge of this programme :
电话: 34601586
E-mail: lauralyw@
Of the course:
Three Parts :
( 12 Chapters )
Part One : (Chapter1-4 )
What distance learning
involves ?
How to be a essful distance learner?
Part Two: (Chapter 5- 6)
Introduce the Programme
Show you how to keep a record of your own studies.
Part Three: (Chapter 7-12)
Suggestions on how to
improve your language skills.
Suggestions on how to
expanding vocabulary
Chapter One Introduction
e to the Diploma in English Programme by distance learning.
Why do you want to learn English ?
Your motivation:
Talk to foreigners
Read & Listen
Watch films or TV
teacher of English
Move to a new job
Help my child to learn
Discover the pleasure
Use English in my work
Go abroad
Get a Diploma in English Studies